
Now, let’s walk through the procedure of taking visual acuities. First, test with correction, whether its glasses or contact lenses. Have patient keep both eyes open, and cover the left eye with the occluder. Have the patient read the smallest line they can see comfortably without squinting. This is so you can always document the right eye first. Document what the patient reports they can see. Have the patient keep both eyes open, and cover their right eye and again, read the smallest line that they can see comfortably without squinting. Document what the patient reports that they can see. Have the patient keep both eyes open and with both eyes, read the smallest line that they can see comfortably without squinting. And again, document what the patient reports seeing.

Have the patient remove correction and proceed with the following steps. Have patient keep both eyes open, and cover the left eye. Have the patient read the smallest line they can see comfortably. This is so you can always document the right eye first. Document what the patient reports they can see. Have the patient keep both eyes open, and cover their right eye and again, read the smallest line that they can see comfortably. Document what the patient reports that they can see. Have the patient keep both eyes open and with both eyes open, read the smallest line that they can see comfortably. Document what the patient reports that they can see. Repeat this process with both eyes open and no correction.
