The receipts dashboard. The dashboard provides a compelling, live view of the playing field.​Monthly and year-to-date graphs and gauges tell the story of your clinic’s vision and journey.​ Real-time measuring sticks allow you to see exact quantities and form a plan of action to win.​
Here we have receipts year-to-date and receipts per patient year-to-date graphs and gauges. The orange background on the speedometer gauge represents your goal. In this case, you want to reach 100% of your goal. Currently, your performance is at 106.8%, represented by the needle on the speedometer gauge.
Over here in the monthly graphs, you can see the exact dollar amount your clinic brought in in receipts versus your goal in orange and the difference between your performance and your goal.
Next, let’s take a look at gross collection rate year. You can see our industry benchmark highlighted here in orange and also on the backdrop of that speedometer gauge versus your performance currently 68% also indicated by the yellow speedometer needle.
Over here you can see the green line graph indicating gross collection rate. The actual dollar amount versus the benchmark amount and the difference in between which is currently about $4,800 per month opportunity to raise this performance level of 68% gross collection to 78%.
Next, receipts per ECP day year-to-date. We have the same orange backdrop indicating where your goal is. In this case, it’s set at 100%, accompanied by the speedometer needle. And you can see you’re at 92% versus your 100% goal.
Over on the bar chart, you can see each month what your receipts per ECP day have been on average. You can see that you’re currently falling short $450 per ECP day and make a plan of action to improve this metric.
The interactive text boxes allow you to record one to two wildly important goals. Here we have box one, followed by box two. Document current results, desired results, and the deadline to reach the desired results. Additional questions help you decide which lead measures are influenceable, that will help create leverage to move the needle for positive change and hit your wildly important goal. WIGS provide you and your team with vision and purpose!​
Next, click on the interactive Optometric Success Center icon to log in and register for the recommended courses. Here you will receive additional training and support to help you achieve your wildly important goals.​
Raw data scoreboards are presented in monthly format with red light indicators to help you spot opportunities to regroup on your plan of action.​
And finally, have some fun with the interactive game pieces to draw attention to lag measure graphs and other areas of your dashboard.​ Use the visuals on the dashboard to communicate and motivate your team.