Hello! Let's review how to submit a claim for exam and glasses. Once you've entered your authorization, you’ll begin by getting by repeating steps 1 through 8 to fill in the patient's exam information. You will enter the date of service, click “I attest,” select the exam type from the drop-down, select the refraction, select whether or not a dilation was performed, report any conditions the patient has, select whether or not the PCP communication was completed or is planned and enter the diagnosis code. Then, you will verify that your patients and insured information is correct. Enter your physician, your patient’s account number and verify your servicing facility. Should you have any additional notes, enter those in box 19 and click “Continue.”
Here we will begin to enter our vision type, the material of our lens, and the brand of the lens. You will also select your anti-reflective coating or scratch coating in this section as well. Should you need to balance your lens or specify a base curve, you can do that here. Now within the next screen, as you slide down the page, you will see your labs. Select your lab and begin entering your prescription information. Next, you will enter your PD, followed by your segment height or OC height. If you have any custom progressive measurements, you will enter those here. As we scroll down the page, we will begin to enter our frame information, starting with the supplier.
Then, we will search for our frame by typing in either the UPC or the manufacturer information. Click “Continue.” Once you verify that you have found the correct frame, you'll either “Add to lab order” or “Edit Manually.” Any special lab instructions go here. Select “Calculate.” This brings you to your claim page which populates the procedure codes. You want to verify that these procedure codes match what is in your practice management software and enter your usual and customary charges. You will then enter your patient’s paid amount minus the taxes and once you verified that everything is correct, click “Submit.”
Congratulations! You just filed a VSP claim.