
Welcome to Filing a Vision Claim, the VSP edition. This program is designed to help you understand how to file different types of VSP claims. It includes multiple courses that will help guide you through the different types of vision claims you may need to file through Eyefinity. Before we get started, we want to do a quick review of the basics; how do we pull benefits and authorizations or how do we retrieve an authorization that may already be on file?

First, we need to go to and then we need to log in. Of course, you'll need to enter your login and password and click “Submit.” Once you've made it to the landing page, you will select “Get authorizations and check eligibility.” If we are needing to check eligibility or search for a previous authorization, you would select “Member search.” If you have an authorization number available you can simply enter it here and select go.

For the purposes of this training, let's review how to search for a member. You'll need to enter your member's first name, last name, date of birth, or the member’s full ID number and select search. Given that we entered all of the correct information into Eyefinity and that your search is successful, you will see your member’s name and select it here. Next, you will see a list of the member and dependents who are covered under this member’s VSP plan. If you had previously requested an authorization, you have the ability to retrieve or delete it. If you need to obtain a new authorization because one was not already retrieved, you will select the patient you are needing to obtain the authorization for.

Next, you will see the coverage summary page. Once again, if you're needing to obtain an authorization for a previous date of service, you'll want to enter that date and select “Update.” Then you'll select the services you need to obtain the authorization for and click “Authorized benefits.” That brings you to your VSP patient record report and lens enhancement charges page to review, print or save to the patient's account within your practice management software.

If you haven't already, make sure you take the Unveiling the Mystery: Insurance & Billing Best Practices, available in the learning library, that reviews insurance and billing basics, including how to read an authorization.
