
Hello! Welcome to Filing a Vision Claim – the EyeMed edition! To check eligibility and benefits and to begin filing a vision claim, you will want to login to the EyeMed claims portal by going to

For quick access, ensure to bookmark this webpage to your browser!

Next, you will need to login with your practice’s user ID and password. 

Once you’ve logged in, you can search for your EyeMed patients a number of ways.

By name – 
By member ID – 
Social Security Number – 
Or by using a ZIP Code search. 

Take note of the links to the right of the entry boxes – when searching for a patient who has one of these specific plan or group types, you may need to click the appropriate link. For the purposes of this training, we are going to search for our patients by using the Name Search. We’ll enter the member’s last name, member’s first name, the member’s date of birth and the date of service.

As you slide down the page, you will see which benefits your patient is eligible for and the service frequency of each benefit. If you are looking for another patient who may be on the same plan, you will see the list of members located underneath related members. To see specific benefit information for your member, you will select show member benefits. 

The benefit page will show you your patient’s specific benefit information. Print this page or upload to your practice management software, so that all of the members on your team can review this information, as needed, for your patient’s date of service.
