So for our next one, we have orbital cellulitis. So, if you can kind of walk us through those three elements for a case if a case like that were to present itself in your office.
So, same thing. We’re not talking about a preseptal cellulitis, we’re talking about orbital cellulitis. So, right away under the number and complexity of problems addressed, we’re right away in level five, so one acute or chronic illness or injury that poses a threat to life or bodily function, so we have both there. Both bodily function and potential life-threatening. When we move over to data complexity, we’re probably going to have trouble meeting the high, because we may order some unique tests, we are probably not going to be reviewing external notes, but we might if the patients referred from a physician or a hospital. We may or may not order a test. We probably don’t require an independent historian unless however, this is a pediatric case, which we need the history from the parent. So, we very well will be able to meet that. And we are probably definitely going to have a discussion of management or test interpretation with another physician. We could meet high with both of those first two, we might drop back into moderate on data complexity. But we could be in high on both of those two elements. And then of course the drug therapy requiring is monitored for toxicity and resolution. We easily are going to meet that requirement. So this is a pretty simple coding for high complexity, even if we threw out the risk of complications and morbidity, which I think would be not necessary, but even if we did we still are going to be high in the other two. At the very least, we’re going to be moderate, but even if we’re moderate, I doubt seriously that you’re going to drop into a level four for the high risk of morbidity. And so another example of a level five.