Organization Flowchart

Okay, let’s talk about organizational flowcharts. An organization flowchart is just that. It organizes the accountability within your organization. So, traditionally at the top we’ll have our CEO and, in our industry, that is usually our owner doctor. Below the CEO, the second layer will include your accountability roles or manager roles. This could include office manager/practice administrator, a second position is optical manager, a third position could be associate doctor, if that associate doctor has an accountability role within the organization. Now, I’ve just listed three different positions under the CEO: office manager (this is also called a practice administrator), an optical manager, and thirdly, your associate doctor. Now below each person, you’re going to list the positions within their departments.

For example, if your office manager is in charge of all of your front desk staff, any billing, any patient communication, or scheduler positions, you’ll list them vertically below office manager.

Second is optical manager. You can list any optical positions, lab positions, even some billers, if it has to do with vision plans.

The third area is going to be your associate doctor. Many times, doctors will actually train their technicians instead of delegating that to an office manager. In that case, you would list your technicians below your associate doctor and any contact lens specialist or clinic specialist within your organization. The bigger your organization, the more levels you may have in your organization flowchart.

Now owner doctors, CEOs, you’ve experienced everyone in the company coming and knocking on your door every time there is a problem. Now with your organization flowchart clearly defined and communicated, each individual employee knows exactly who their department manager is and this is based on their primary role.

For example, if a technician can also cross train to cover front desk during times of need, that is wonderful, but their primary role is a technician. They would report to their department manager, whether that be you CEO doctor or the associate doctor. Now each employee is going to have a department manager. That means the only people coming to knock on your door should be your office manager, your optical manager, or your associate doctor.

Okay, go ahead and complete your assignment and then we’ll get going on the next video.
