Now that we understand the basic information that we’ll be entering in, let’s look at what we expect to be done every single day. This is what your weekly individual tabs for any given month look like. You’ll see here, we’re looking at January – 1, that represents the first week in the month of January. You’ll want to find the first and put it under the appropriate day and place the actual date for that day and carry it forward. So, if January first falls on a Tuesday, we’ll simply type in 1/1/2020 and then carry that information over for the remainder of the days.
Next we want you to run a report in your practice management system or EHR for total charges billed for the day. As a reminder, we’re only going to enter information into the yellow cells in this spreadsheet just like the rest of our spreadsheets. So in this case, I want you to run the report and enter the total gross charges or sales for the day. This is the number before any adjustments or write-offs have taken place. they should total all of our usual and customary charges that have been charged out for that day.
Next, we want to move down to how much we received in patient cash payments, followed by personal checks and enter that information in these. Now, I want you to take a moment and look to the right. This table represents the different forms of credit card payments that you receive every single day. It’s important that we fully understand and comprehend the different types of payments that we receive, when talking about credit or Care Credit because we’re charged differently based on how that patient pays. So, since we said January 1st was on a Tuesday, we want to go to Tuesday here, enter in January 1st of 2020 and then we want to enter all of the patient payments we received that were Mastercard or Visa. Do the same for Discover and American Express. Then, if your practice accepts Care Credit, enter that information here, any insurance checks that were deposited today, and any electronic fund transfers (EFT) that were deposited into our account or posted in our EHR.
Now, let’s get back to the rest of the spreadsheet. Now that we’ve entered this information, we want to move down to the type of patients we saw today. it’s important to discuss with your entire team what your practice considers a comprehensive exam. That’s what we’re going to be entering into this third section called comprehensive exams kept. Here we want you to notate how many patients you saw for comprehensive exams today that used their health insurance to pay for that exam. Let’s say we saw five. If you take vision plans, we also want to understand how many comprehensive exams we saw that had VSP or EyeMed, or any other vision plans. How many of them were self-pay or cash pay? And how many of them were Medicaid, if your practice accepts it? Now, it’s important to understand what we are entering here are the new patient comprehensive exams.
Next, we want to enter in the established patients that we saw for today, that also had comprehensive exams. Again, how many of them used health insurance, how many of them have VSP, how many of them have EyeMed or any other vision plans, cash pay or self-pay, and again, Medicaid if your practice accepts it. You’ll notice as you enter in this information, that some cells are already calculating for you. So all you have to do is move to the next yellow cell. Run your weekly aging report for both patients and insurance and enter the individual information for the different aging ranges that will be on that report. Next, every single day as discussed, we should be tracking the total insurance write-offs and adjustments that we’ve made on any charges in our system. Followed by any refunds that were given out today, by check or credit card of any kind. There’s only three left. We need to make sure we enter in our comprehensive exam goal, which we should be discussing regularly as a practice. You should also be checking at the beginning of every single day, in cell 39, of how many people were booked at the beginning of the day. This will help us understand how many people showed up versus how many were on the schedule to start the day. Then we can put staff hours worked, the total number of staff hours paid for the day.