Place: Sidewalk Scouting and WOM

We’ll start recruiting methods with the place and let’s start by keeping it simple. We’ll cover sidewalk scouting and word-of-mouth. Sidewalk scouting includes recruiting 24/7, so you don’t necessarily have to have a position even open to being sidewalk scouting constantly. When you encounter someone that impresses you with their service, attitude, or professionalism go ahead and give them a card and just say, “Hey, if you’re ever looking for a career change down the road, please give me a call. I’d love to talk to you.” 

Word-of-mouth is also an excellent way to recruit. Utilize your personal and professional organizations for free. Plus, whoever comes recommended, comes recommended from someone you personally know. So, sidewalk scouting and word-of-mouth are great recruiting methods that are also free, so consider this first when you’re about to fill your next position, or just go ahead and collect their application and resume, even if you’re not currently seeking to fill a specific position. 
