Step Three

As we move along to step three for a risk assessment, use these guidelines to easily navigate the level of risk. If you're doing any type of prescription drug management, whether you're starting, stopping, discontinuing, or changing any prescription, then you've met the criteria for a level four for risk. Final determining factors are based on problems addressed and data review. If you and your patient elect a surgery and you're sending off a referral for surgery and you've met the criteria for a moderate risk. Again, final determining factors are based on number of problems addressed and data review. And according to the chart in the graph you see here, you see there is an increase of diagnosis or treatment risks due to limitations or social determinants such as a wheelchair accessibility or transportation for example in an assisted living facility and they are unable to have accessibility to get to your office and it interferes or increases with the diagnosis or the treatment risks. This puts you at a moderate complexity and again final determining factors are based on problems addressed and data review.

Any review of external tests administered by an outside provider, this typically, this will happen when you are being referred a patient will qualify as a moderate risk and final determining factors are based on the number of problems addressed and data review. 

High risk would qualify for a patient that presents with a brain tumor, a potential for blindness, or high risk of death, and final determining factors are based on number of problems addressed and data review.
