
Let’s finish the framework to your marketing strategy with promotion. This can be the most fun of the four P’s. You’ve determined that you have the right product for your audience, you’ve priced it right, and you’re putting it in the appropriate place, so will your promotional message resonate with your target audience? This of course leads you into a variety of questions to think about that will help determine the proper promotion for your practice.

Where can you get your marketing message to your target audience? Will it be advertising online, in the press, radio or even billboards? Will you be changing your marketing seasonally? Do you know when the best time to promote your product and practice is? If your promotions will change throughout the year, it’s best to invest your time into creating a yearly marketing calendar. This will help your team know what you're offering and when. Not only yearly, but you can break it down further by quarter or even month if there are specific promotions you’d like to highlight.

Before you begin on the marketing calendar, think about your competition again. How are they promoting themselves? Will that affect the ways you market?

You’ll also want to take into consideration any vendor suggestions or offers that they have before constructing any promotions for your products or practice.

Get creative with your promotions by utilizing social media marketing, influencers, or other options outside of traditional marketing that your competition may also be using. Just be sure to use your brands voice actively throughout all of your messaging.
