This is the I-9 – It is an external resource. Refer to your Onboarding Procedure for a link to this resource. Read it entirely to ensure you understand what your role is to complete this form in addition to the requirements of your new hire. In addition to the I-9, your new hire will need to provide external forms of documentation. Ensure these forms of documentation are valid and not expired.Â
Next, the W-4 – This is also an external resource. The link to the most current version of this form is also provided under external resources on the document titled, "Onboarding Procedure".
Next, the direct deposit form – This is an external resource. Contact your payroll service for a sample. If you are not currently using direct deposit, I encourage you to look into it.
The employee emergency contact form – In the event your new hire has a medical emergency, it is important for you to know who to contact. Ensure this information is populated completely and secured within their employee file. You can download the resource attached here for our sample.
Onboarding checklist for managers – This resource is located beginning on page two of the Onboarding Procedure resource. Customize this resource along with the sample 5 day training itinerary to ensure both the manager and new hire are on the same page regarding the schedule and documentation required.Â
Sample 5 Day Training Itinerary – Customize this resource along with the managers checklist. If you have a trusted agent on your team or have department heads, go ahead and share this sample 5 day training itinerary with them, if they're helping you to train your VIP.Â
The Sample Nebraska Employee Handbook – Each state will vary in regards to what is required with your employee handbook. You should have customized this resource. Present this resource to your new hire and encourage them to write down any questions they may have as they are reading through the employee handbook. Before they sign the acknowledgement of comprehension and receipt, ensure you verbally review the employee handbook with them a second time and encourage them to ask questions. You may keep a copy of your employee handbook in your office. This prevents extra copies and outdated copies from wandering around within the office. Whenever an employee has a question regarding a policy, encourage them to ask you for the employee handbook. This also gives you an opportunity to clarify any confusion they might have regarding a policy.Â
Key to Sample Nebraska Employee Handbook – This key will help you identify federal versus state policy. Use this key to build your state specific employee handbook.Â
Employee materials benefit sample policy and template – If your office offers a materials benefit to your employees or family, ensure you have it written out clearly. Use our template to help guide your policy.Â
Employee Materials Benefit Statement Sample. Each time your employee uses the company materials policy, they should receive a statement from you to indicate the value received and the date on which they received their benefit. Keep a copy of this in their employee file.