Contact Lenses Statistics

Contact lens statistics. ​To get started, the contact lens team leader is assigned. If this is you, next you will visit with your doctors and office manager to set goals. It’s important to also communicate your goals with the rest of your team and report to them often.​


Then, review each stat to determine if the information is already being gathered electronically and if so, ensure your team is entering this data accurately and consistently. Then write down your process of data generation, which should include the name of the report, the location of the report, and any other relevant settings, such as report start and end date. This ensures the data is being generated with consistency and will help maintain accuracy over time. If there is a stat that must be tracked manually, ensure you define, standardize, and communicate this process as well.​

Next, you will input stats to the contact lens stats page on a monthly basis to begin accumulating data for practice performance. ​All of the white cells are customizable. Simply insert your data on the appropriate month and automated formulas will generate further calculations. ​

We recommend to have no more than one or two lag measures, also called wildly important goals. Identify the lead measures that will create leverage to execute or achieve your wildly important goal and then ensure you are tracking that stat.​

If your lead measure stats improve and no momentum or leverage is created towards achieving your wildly important goal, you may have a bad lead measure. Visit with your doctors and office manager to brainstorm the relationships of your lead and lag measures, ensure data is being input accurately, and replace your lead measure if needed.​

Okay! Let’s take a look at our contact lens stats. Contact lens appointments, we have year-to-date totals, your goal, and your monthly totals. Let’s review each subcategory under contact lens appointments. We have three different buckets here. Brand new contact lens wearers established contact lens wearers, and contact lens follow-ups, these are your no-fee follow-ups.

Next, contact lens prescription opportunities. Final contact lens opportunities will be generated within your clinic versus walk-in contact lens opportunities. Your final contact lens opportunities are automatically calculated for you based on your contact lens appointments.

Next, we have annual supplies sold, which data is input and then automatically calculated as your annual supply capture rate. You can set your goal here in the customizable white cell.

Finally, you have contact lens sales. Set your goal and input your monthly values. Your year-to-date total will be automatically calculated.

With a comprehensive tool such as this, your potential for improvement is limitless! ​Becoming disciplined in stats is how you will grow to know your numbers.​ Reflect, communicate, and develop a habit of execution. These are keys to better practice performance.​ We hope you are excited and feel empowered to run your stats sheet with purpose!​

Next, let’s head over to the dashboard to see where the parties at.
