Now this is a tool that I find in most practices when I go on my visits. However, when I do find it, it's not being used by anyone. This tool is actually called a wide-jaw angled plier and you'll notice on either end of the head, there's actually a divot in the head itself. That divot is actually for the top and the bottom of a screw in your temple tip. And when placed properly on a frame, I can hold it, without marring out the frame too much and now I can actually adjust the pantoscopic tilt on a frame without bending the hinge. You'll notice without this, if I go to bend this, all of the bend that I'm putting is actually on the hinge itself, which weakens the frame itself. And in some cases, will make the hinge break on us. So, if I use the wide-jaw angled pliers properly, now the bend is actually happening here at the front of the frame to induce or decrease the amount of pantoscopic tilt without putting undue pressure on the hinge itself.